Tuesday, March 27, 2012

In search of All the KING'S daughters!

                                                       In search of All the KING's daughters
         The way the world is today it is easy to feel small and insignificant. It isn't hard to figure
out why so many people especially women feel they don't measure up. The media is always trying to tell us how to feel, how to dress and how to rate our selves and our worth according to popular opinion.
         It is easy to get caught up in all the lies media and other people tell us, but it is even easier to believe
the lies that we try to tell ourselves. For this reason, it is important that a woman get the true definition of
words such as beautiful, worthy, intelligent, and the like from the Bible and from the Lord Himself, instead
of from the media or other people.
         It is time that all the daughters of the King of Kings learn and embrace who they truly are
in the Lord and just how precious and beautiful we are to Him no matter what we may believe about ourselves
after all we are all daughters of the King, the King whose kingdom has no end.


  1. It is blessed to find one's true place in God's Kingdom.

  2. Isaiah 55:11

    Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

    11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth —
    it will not return to me unfulfilled;
    but it will accomplish what I intend,
    and cause to succeed what I sent it to do.”

  3. “To get through the hardest journey we need take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping”
    Old Chinese Proverb

  4. Gloria;
    That proverb is so true. It is so easy to give up
    especially when we don't seem to be succeeding but we
    can't give up, the Lord will do the rest if we but do
    our best.

  5. I admit that I won't post a picture of myself until I fix it in Photoshop first. I don't like my wrinkles. But, I do know I am wonderfully made by God. My worth to him has nothing to do with how I look or what I have on this earth. Praise God! He died on the Cross for all of us, old, young, tall, short, skinny, heavy, and every race and ethnic group on this Earth. If you don't know Jesus as your Savior all you need to do is pray and ask Jesus into your heart. He will forgive you of all of your sins. Clean slate, new creation...new life in Jesus. HisDaughter wrote a beautiful prayer of salvation. If you don't know what to say, click on that link and say that prayer.

    HisDaughter, how about explaining what to do after saying the prayer. Don't want the new babes in Christ, lost and not knowing what to do so they can grow.

    Much love for all of you who come to this blog. Friends in cyberspace....still can see you in Heaven for eternity.

  6. Oh....did I mention it doesn't matter what has happened to you in your past or present. Corrie TenBoom survived the concentration camps in WW2. She said, "No pit is so deep that Jesus is not deeper still". Think about that. NO horrible past or present can stand in the way of you having a new life in Jesus.

  7. Gloria;
    You explained it so beautifully ! I would be honored if you would please be the one to share with our friends,and with someone who perhaps just accepted the Lord Jesus ad their personal savior, what ther next steps might be. If u would prefer not to I will of course understand. I would like to say right now though friends that it is important to spend time in the Word and with the Lord and allow Him to reveal Himself to you/ us

  8. thank you Hisdaughter, for the whole concept of this blog or site
    it is wonderful to realize that I have a place in the eyes
    of my heavenly Father, that I am beautiful and special even
    a princess!
