Saturday, February 02, 2013

Resting in Jesus Arms

CFW Article

Trusting in God

"What time I am afraid, I will trust in the Lord." Psalm 56:3

With these uncertain times, fear likes to come knocking at our door but we must refuse to open the door and let it in. Instead we need to open God’s Word and see what He has to say about it all.

God’s Word encourages us to trust in the Lord no matter what is happening in our lives. And it is honest with us and lets us know that we will be tempted to fear but we must resist the temptation and trust God instead. The Word tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7 that the spirit of fear is not from God. What He gives to us is His Spirit of power, love, and soundness of mind.

We notice that "power" is the first thing He tells us He will give to us. Where do we get this power? 1 John 3:8 tells us that Jesus was manifested to "destroy" the works of the devil. That puts us in the power seat through Jesus Christ. Therefore, no weapon formed against us by the devil can prosper (see Isaiah 54:17). The weapon may be formed, but it cannot prosper. When we realize just what position we are in through Christ, fear cannot have power over us. Instead, we can have power over fear.

In Jeremiah 29:11, God tells us ..."For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, ... thoughts of peace and not evil, to give you a future and a hope." This promise makes us feel loved and cherished which helps us be of a sound mind that is free of fear. If God is for us who or what can be against us (see Romans 8:31).

We need to remember that we are children of the Most High God and the Holy Spirit will help us to walk in the victory that Jesus Christ made possible for us through His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. When we store God’s Word in our hearts and declare it with our mouths we can stand strong against whatever the enemy throws at us. Isaiah 55:11 tells us His Word will not return void but will accomplish what it has been sent forth to do.

God is not a man that He would lie (see Numbers 23:19) so we can trust all the promises that He has made to us in His Word. We can say boldly to the devil, you are a liar and I will not listen to your lies – My God shall supply all my needs and I choose to trust what He has promised and not doubt it.


It is Written ...


  1. Hisdaughter:
    This article is such a beautiful reminder
    of how much the Lord loves me and how I can and do trust in Him! thank you for your dedication and love!!

    1. Dario,
      It feels wonderful to know one can help lift someone in even a small way!

  2. His daughter, i am amazed at the wonderful things you share with us here on our site! You are a wonderful writer with such a caring heart. Thank you also for always searching for wonderful articles and information to share with us!

    1. Ah Dahlia your so sweet you are so welcome. If I have a caring heart it is because the Lord gave it to me to use to lift others up! thank you !

  3. You my dearest Hisdaughter, have a great way of bringing us the right and much needed word at the right time, thank you so much!!!!

    1. IF I do my friend it is only the Lord, I am but a willing vessel! am so happy to be here for and with you and our other online friends though {:

  4. Replies
    1. Praise the Lord! He is always THE on time God!

  5. You made such a difference in my day, my life

    1. Your response to what the Lord gives me to share with you and all of our online friends makes all the difference in my life as well.!
