Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sugar Killers! Part 1

Let's start by listing the major artificial sweetener ingredients and which major brands use each.
Saccharin- FDA approved 1958- found in Sweet 'N Low (except Canada)
Cyclamate- FDA banned 1969- found in Sweet 'N Low (Canada only)
Aspartame- FDA approved 1981- found in NutraSweet and Equal
Sucralose- FDA approved 1999- found in Splenda


  1. Hisdaughter:
    Thank you so so much for this article. I have heard about some of these artificial sugars being horrible for one's health, but I didn't know my favorite was on the list "cyclamate" i didn't know it was in my favorite sugar "sweet n low"
    Thank you so so much!

    1. Christy:
      Ah yes, you know if you research it, you will find that most of these, especially "sweet n low" were discovered to be detrimental to one's health a long time ago. However, in the case of sweet n low, it was one of those that they "told" us were really bad, then they backpeddled in a few years and told us that it is only bad for us in high amounts...I say shame on them...I would say there is enough evidence to steer clear of all the artificial sugars but especilly sweet n low!

  2. Oh my gosh, n sweet n low is my go to sugar! what terrible news, I could have been enjoying real sugar all along. thanks for doing all the foot work that helps us be healthy hisdaughter!

  3. Lacey:
    My pleasure Lacey! yup, real ole table sugar will do less harm than fake sugar n all the chemicals in them! I think it is terrible how "they" backpeddled on the terrible dangers of sween n low just to mention one ha!
