Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Trusting in time of pain

“I lay my ‘whys’ before your cross in worship kneeling,
My mind too numb for thought, my heart beyond all feeling:
And worshiping, realize that I
In knowing You don’t need a ‘why.’”

  The above is taken from the writings of Ruth Bell Graham. How very true these beautiful words ring in the ear!...
          Recently I have been going through
some terrible pain caused by an infected tooth.The first few days of the non-stop pain this infection has been causing me were easy becuase I knew the Lord would soon deliver me and the pain would be but a memory.
           However, when the infection and it's
pain entered it's second week, I started wondering if I should be doing more about it then just "standing on faith! It was difficult for me to even think about doing anything else but praying about it becuase the pain was so bad.
         I even found myself wondering if the
fact that my mouth(and thus my teeth) are so close to my brain, could have anything to do with my fuzzy thinking. I asked myself how it could be that I could be experiencing such pain and not know what "else" I could do when I was already praying about it!
       As I allowed my thoughts, my fears, to
be quieted and calmed in the knowledge that God was indeed working behind the scenes for my good,
I realized that I just needed to spend some precious
time at His feet, in His presence!
      As I write this, the pain is better but not
gone. I am taking antibiotics and thanking and praising him for the moment, perhaps tomorrow, that the pain will at last be but a memory.
    This "painful" experience has taught me 
a valuble lesson, it has taught me that in pain it is
far better to ask "how," and not "why." As stated
in the quote above(by Ruth Bell Graham) I know
Him, so the why doesn't matter after all.          


  1. Oh my goodness Hisdaughter, I so hope that yor are feeling better! i know from experience how terrible tooth pain can be. Please let me know if there is anything i can do for you!
    Love this post! that baby ah! I wish I could just lift him/her from my computer screen and hold and comfort and cuddle him/her!

  2. Gale:
    Thank you so much! Yes, my tooth is much better, just need to finish the round of antibiotics! God is so good!!!
    I agree with you, that baby is sooooo cute, me too, I wish i could lift him right out of the computer as well lol!

  3. Ah Hisdaughter,
    Please tell me your tooth is fine now! so sorry to hear you
    have been in pain!

    1. Sarah:
      Thank you for thinking of me! the tooth is better now, the pain and inflammation is gone, still believing for total healing of the tooth, nothing is impossible for the Lord!
