Saturday, March 09, 2013

I am not as I do...

It has been said that sometimes we are our own worst enemy, and I would have to agree with this. Why is it that people who love us are quick to forget the mistakes we make, or the times we may hurt them, no matter how unintentional it may be? On the other hand, when we mess up or fall down, we allow that mistake or failure to define us...I am a failure, I just can't do anything right...and so on! If God never gives up on us, then we should never give up on ourselves. If we allow the Lord to define us instead of our mistakes or failures then we will never again have trouble moving forward, picking ourselves up when we do fall!


  1. Hisdaughter:
    Thank you for this! I for one am one of those people who allows my mistakes and failures to "define" me! That is a wonderful title, it is so true...I am not as I do, I am not my mistakes and failures! I am so thankful to God that He is always there to pick me up when I feel broken!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Laila:
      Thanks so much, I am glad you like the title as well. I always try to fit the title to the topic. Yes, it is important for us to not allow our mistakes and failures to define us. It is true, we are not what we do, more like what we believe!
      You are right, there are times we feel so broken we dont think that anyone or anything can fix us. Thanks be to God that He is always there to pick up the pieces and give us the strength and power to move forward.

  2. I hear you, Hisdaughter and Laila Lee, it is so easy to define ourselves by what we have done wrong or whatever other negative event in our lives, I find myself doing it more than I would like to! I am so thankful to the Lord for not giving up on me!

    1. Lacey:
      I think pretty much everyone feels this way from time to time, it is so easy to judge oursleves sometimes. Thanks be to God that He is always here for us, and doesn't give up on us.

  3. We need to look at ourselves as God sees us, the more we can see ourselves throug His eyes, the easier we can be on ourselves!

    1. Christy;
      I think you hit the nail on the head,He is our creator,He knows us better than we know ourselves. Oh for eyes to see ourselves as He see us!
