Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Guide to JOY(through a child's eyes)

1. When mom says "NO!" ask dad*****2. If dad says "yes," ask mom again!******3. IF mom and dad say no ask grandma, she's the boss anyway!*****4. When you are sleepy, don't help your eyes...just wait, and let them close on their own*****5. Never, ever eat all the food on your plate(unless it's your favorite!)because their are starving people "in" the ocean and on other "planets"...besides, it's good to share!*****6. Don't ever give up because if you do, someone else gets all your toys!!!!!!!!!!!! (as told by Kindergarten children 2001).


  1. Hisdaughter:
    that is so cute and so true! seems to me childish wisdom is wisdom indeed! everything they said there parallels real life!

  2. Oh my gosh! Hisdaughter, thank you, I needed that today! children are far wiser than they know ,sadly far wiser than adults at times!

  3. I love it!!!so true and soo sooo cute..."out of the mouth of babes!" thank you Hisduaghter I needed that more than you could know, your great at that!!!
