Sunday, July 07, 2013


Dear Kings Daughters Family:
  In response to some of your recent private emails I feel it
is important I share with you the following: No! I have not abandoned or given up on our site or you, I would never do that.
I apologize for the fact that I have not posted in quite a while or responded to some of your emails! I have been going through some very difficult situations in my life and have been seeking the Lord's
direction and His strength.
   I would like to thank those of you  who have emailed me and
asked if I am ok! you have made me feel so loved! I am happy to 
say that contrary to popular opinion, our God is still on the Throne! and that throne belongs to Him and Him alone! God has also done some wonderful things in my life and that in the lives of my children and "prayer people" as I like to call the people for whom I am praying at any given time.
   I will be sharing many of these wonderful works of God in the
coming days. In the mean time, just know that I love each and everyone of you and am thankful for your patience and faithfulness!! Please check back often from here on out, I promise I will be here once again. May the Lord greatly bless you all!!!!

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