Sunday, July 13, 2014

On Tea and Garlic!

Troubles come, and troubles go, who likes having trouble in their life? no one
I'm sure. Even so if you are alive, you will surly have trouble, and problems in
your life.

If one is to stay positive and not lose hope during difficult times one would
do well to learn from the stinky garlic, and  strong tea! What can be said about garlic? Garlic doesn't smell nice, it can easily chase friends and family far away from it's consumer, and it surly is not the first thing on a person's mind when he or she is attempting to make a choice as to what to eat for any given meal.

Never the less, garlic is a powerhouse! Garlic is an antibacterial and an antibiotic far more powerful than it's man made counterpart. 

When it comes to tea, well there is another example of things that are good for us though they may not appear to be at first sight. Oh yes I know many people love to sip on tea either as an alternative to coffee or just for the fun of it. That being said, it is important to point out that tea if steeped to long might not be as beneficial to our health because it brings out the little undesireable effects that not everyone is aware of.

Even so, for the most part, tea is wonderful for one's physical and emotional health. How often though have we stopped to think about how very powerful tea becomes when steeped in hot water? Oh sure just looking at the tea bag is some indication of how powerful and strong tea can be without the hot water but no where near as strong and beneficial it is when added to hot water.

In the same way so it goes with life. Problems, troubles, failures and other undesirable components of life may not be welcome, and may not feel good but they are a part of life that makes us who we are. When we come out on the other side of them we are stronger, and far better than we could have ever been without them.


  1. Bravo Hisdaughter! wonderful article I love how you take something simple and true and bring out all the good and beautiful in it much to our delight!

  2. wonderful analagy you are so good with words!
