Tuesday, January 05, 2016


    It's been raining here in my little corner of the world all day, nonstop!Wow was I happy, I have been wishing for rain like this for months . When I first heard that it was going to rain today and also for the next few days, I was so happy that I almost started jumping up and down.
   As the day wore on and the streets started to flood as they
always do in my little town, I started to question my sanity! I mean
what on earth was I thinking? Oh I know that we haven't had any 
"real" rain for quite some time, and that the mere mention of the name of my State fills people's imagination with  pictures of a dry dusty desert. I mean come on now, sure we haven't had any real rain in a long time but  a dry dusty desert nah! but hey, I thought, enough is enough!
  I had to literally laugh out loud at the thought of how fickle we humans can be at times. I mean here is a State that has been declared to be in a drought, do we need the rain? ugh yeah! and it was fun for a while but pretty soon, I just wanted it to stop!
   This made me think about how we as humans should always
"be careful what we ask for" as the saying goes. Some people say, "eh the day is to short, I need more hours in a day," When I hear someone say something like that I think," hey, do you really want more hours in a day?" imagine, if a day was 48 hours long instead of 24, wouldn't that mean that we would have to work twice as long, and twice as hard at whatever our "work" might be?
   I don't know about you, but I am happy with a 24 hour day
it' fine just the way it is. By the same token, I decided to just enjoy the rain no matter how long it lasts, we need it anyway, but from now on I will be sure and be careful what I ask for!

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