Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Little Child Shall Lead Them (#2)(Please see A Child shall lead them(no number) for the first part of post)

Note- many apologies, not sure why but the rest of the post was cut off and It won't allow me to fix it so I am continuing it her below and nameing it- A child shall lead them #2

No sooner had that mom's insensitive words left her mouth that the tiny girl began to weep uncontrolably! The precious little girl didn't look like a day over maybe 4 yrs. old. I quickly figured out that not only was that child extremely mature for her age but had a heart that possessed the type of love that should exist in all of us all through the year but especially at Christmas!

That cruddy mom, was extremely angry at the child for crying and pushed her to pick out a "cheaper" gift , and to do it quickly!!! I got to tell you, it took all that I had not to walk over and scoop that child up in my arms, comfort her, and buy the gift "she" wanted. Knowing that wouldn't go over well with anyone, I kept my mouth shut and fought back tears of my own.
It was at this point that the child showed great wisdom for one so young, she held on to the $9.99 gift she had picked out for her friend Trina as though her life depended on it and said to her mother,
"I'm buying this for Trina, please write a letter to Santa and tell him I don't want anything for Christmas this year, Trina told me that Santa never comes to her house, so now he can take her all of my gifts, and I will give her this special one from me!"
That "mother" didn't bat an eye, she took Lexi's hand and headed towards the cash register without saying a word!
I guess my point is obvious, Christmas isn't about presents, or about what they may or may not cost. Instead, it is about Love. Love came down in the form of a baby. He was born in a manger, and not in a palace as a King would be. That is true love, that is what Christmas is about! Jesus commands us to love one another. Gifts are great, they are a symbol of our affection for one another, who doesn't like receiving gifts? Never the less, it's the love behind the gift, and the heart of ther giver that should matter most to us. God sent His son to deliver us from the curse of sin and death, can there be any greater gift?

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