Sunday, July 01, 2012

I'm All Ears!

Please post any questions, thoughts, or anything you would like to share here. I look forward to
hearing from you any time.


  1. I am new here and dont wish to step on anyones
    feet but I would like to know if you can add
    more about health and beauty. Just went through nasty divorce and really need to get beautiful
    both inside and out! thank you so much

    1. Riki,
      No worries! you are not stepping on anyone's toes in any
      way. We welcome thoughts and comments anytime. My goal is
      to post things that are of interest and value to our readers
      and site members.
      As a matter of a fact,I recently took steps toward something
      like that with the "did you know" place(section) of this blog.
      I will be posting these types of things in a new place called
      "Inside Out" as in we get beautiful and healthy from the inside first and them it shows on the outside! Thank you
      for your great suggestion.

  2. Hisdaughter:
    Please keep up the good work, you and your ministry
    matter more than you know!

  3. Hisdaughter:
    I just want to let you know how blessed I have been through
    this site. I don't know why but I feel as though you might not
    know how important you, this site, and it's content mean to mean
    and I know to many other people! keep up the good work
    Also- wondering if this is the place to leave a message for another member of this site- this is for "Gloria"- I was blessed
    by your posts in the past haven't seen you here much or at all
    lately, just wondering if you are ok?

    1. Christy,
      Nice to hear from you. I would like to thank
      you from the bottom of my heart for your kind and
      encouraging words! Words are truly powerful and you
      just lifted me with yours!

      I will repost your message to Gloria in case she misses
      this post and I will also create a new "place" just for
      that! Thank you sooooo much be blessed!

    2. Christy, I am so touched that you were concerned about me. I try to check this blog every day but since my respiratory failure in late May, I have a hard time functioning. It's been hot in Southern California which has a real negative effect on my health. I would appreciate your prayers. I would love to feel better but I'm moving at a snail's pace or at least it feels that way. I'm not anything less that thankful to the Lord for saving my life, though. I wake up in the morning and the first thing I do is pray to thank Jesus for sparing my life so I can serve him longer. I feel priviledged to serve my King and Lord. I am his daughter and he loves me and all of his children so much. Everything I experience serves to teach me lessons I would not otherwise have known. All praise and honor to the name of Jesus.
