Saturday, October 06, 2012

We Are Family

Galations 4:6
 "...and because ye are sons,God hath sent 
forth the spirit of His sons into your hearts crying
Abba Father"

   No matter who you are, where you live, or
what you have or haven't done, You are God's
child and He loves you unconditionally if you
believe in Him and all that He has promised you!


  1. I had an experience this month that made me really sad. Some people decided I was something I'm not. I was greatly hurt their "judgments" of me. I don't know why they decided to attack me like that. I have to keep my eyes focused on Jesus. He is the one who knows my heart and spirit. The world will often hate us or accuse us falsely. We really should expect that. God knows we are humans and subject to strong emotions. The only thing that is really important is that He loves me and I'm his child forever. I don't have to defend myself. He is my Advocate. My eyes are back on Jesus. "Thank you, Lord, for being my high tower in times of distress. I am never alone. You are with me always. Whom shall I fear? No one!"

  2. Gloria,
    You are so right Gloria, though people's words and wrongful judgment of us cut us deeply, isn't it wonderful to know that
    these people really don't know us the way our Father and creator
    knows and loves us? I am so sorry you had to go through this
    but I am so happy you know how to run to the Lord your/our strong tower to be your defense and healer!
