Sunday, July 10, 2016

Real Happiness!

I visited a senior gentleman, friend of my grandparents on the last day of his life. He told me that he knew that he wouldn't live to see another day, but that he was not only at peace with it but extremely happy and "waiting with baited breathe, pun, pun!" He smiled as he handed me a piece of hard candy wrapped neatly in a dinner napkin. As if to fill the uncomfortable silence that had now filled the room he asked me if I knew what happiness was. I thought his question to be strange, I mean isn't the definition of happiness kind of a personal thing after all? Without waiting for my reply he said, " happiness is an inside job!" I chuckled, and asked him what he meant. He winked at me and said, " you cant fabricate or fake happiness, and it sure as heck can't be found in anything we have or want. Instead he said, "it's an inside job it's the sum of you! I just smiled and he asked me to think about it and I promised I would. Mr. Motto is gone now, but I will never forget his words, wow talk about ancient wisdom or of the aged! You know, I agree with him! it is indeed an inside job, especially since one can only find true happiness if Jesus resides in us!  

1 comment:

  1. as difficult as it is to find happiness in our world as it is presently,what a wonderful reminder thank you!
