Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Think About it!

I have received a lot of emails recently from friends who are increasingly fearful! What with all that is going on in the world or your own little corner of it, it's not at all difficult to see why!
 The problem is that fear is like a parasite, once it attaches itself to you it is extremely difficult  to break free from it. The more one tries not to be fearful, the stronger fear becomes, like a ravenous monster feeding off your fear. That's why it is so important to remember that you don't have to be afraid!
  You are not alone, you have hope, you have a future! 
   God is with you no matter how alone you may feel. He has hidden you in the cleft of the rock, and covered you there with HIS hand.
Accept the light in the midst of your darkness and fear will leave!

Think About It!

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