Monday, January 16, 2017

Winter Blues-Go figure

 So today as I took my morning walk, the warm sun stroking my back like gentle hands,
I thought about how long it had been since the last sunny day in my part of the world. It occurred to me that we humans are somewhat spoiled as a species. If the sun is shining most of us are happy and ready to take on the world. If its cold and rainy, most of us just want to curl up with a nice fuzzy blanket and watch TV and  maybe eat, and eat, and eat! or perhaps shed a few tears, and then a few more.
 Oh I am full aware that there is a medical explanation for the sadness with the cold weather,
but how does one explain the fact that warm weather brings on the smiles?
I would have to say that we are spoiled!!! yes you read it correctly, spoiled! Why is it that one's mood can be altered by two big balls in the sky?... the ball of fire that lights our waking hours, and the big ball of light that lights our hours of rest.
 I'm not a scientist by any stretch of the imagination, but I believe that this is just an innate reaction
to our surroundings. The Creator Himself is light! the Word of God says that to Him "even the darkness is light." so that being the case wouldn't it just follow that if we are in darkness even partial darkness, like say a cold Winter day, that we would feel cold and  sad? And the same would apply to a warm sunny Spring or Summer day, we feel happy and bright for He is light, and He lives in us.
                                                                    Go figure!

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