Monday, July 04, 2016

Think About It!

Friends, starting today I will be merging our "Think about it " Blog here with our All the King's Children site. I hope this will not be an inconvenience for any of you, and that we will all get to know one another her on this site. Just know that I love and appreciate each and every one of you!........................................................................................................................................................................................... 
T        Today I was thinking about Liberty, and Freedom, and Independence. I guess it's fitting being as today is Independence day. Most people get together on this day and have BBQ's, and spend time with loved ones. That is all well and good, it's great in fact, but today I kept thinking about what all those words mean to me. I of course can't speak for anyone else, so I asked myself what these words, this day means to me.
           I of course am thankful to all those who gave their lives so that you and I can enjoy
       this freedom, but I am thankful above all to God for this freedom that we enjoy, not only in the natural, but also in the spiritual realm! The Word of God says, "Greater love has no man, than that he lay his life down for his brother."
       I thank God for sending His son Jesus Christ so that you and I can be free from the curse of
sin and death, free from lack, and all that is connected to that curse. I am thankful to Jesus for shedding His precious, sinless blood so that I could be free! I am also thankful to the Holy Spirit for bringing me the Power that I need every minute of everyday, and all that the person of the Holy Spirit does for us and in us.
          I love my country, I love my freedom, my independence, but I love God most of all, because He first loved me.....Think about it!


  1. Dearest Hisdaughter, I am so thankful for you, and for this site! I can't begin to tell you how many times you have said something that made me stop and think, and many times changed my whole path or course of action!

  2. The word- Freedom is so underrated !!!!! some people see it as a sense of entitlement, Blessings to all those who gave even their lives that we may have this freedom!
