Friday, May 29, 2015

Power in your shoes

I find it amazing how fear or past failures can often keep us from trying new things, working to realize our dreams, or even take to steps from the lonely island where the last broken dream or failure marooned us!

  "You always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself," said Glinda the good witch in the movie "The Wizard of Oz. Though it is true that this was only a movie, it is no secret that fiction often imitates life. In this case though, it is the complete truth!

We, as children of God have always had the power.. the power to be happy, the power to be healed, the power to succeed, we have always had whatever type of power we may need in our lives.

It isn't power that we lack, it is instead a strong an unwavering trust in the one who holds all that power!
The Word of God says that "Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life."  We need only to tap into that indestructible power by calling on the name of Jesus, and believing that it is indeed ours, we just have to believe!
 The "tap," or "switch" or power source is Jesus Himself!


  1. Hisdaughter, I am never disappointed when I visit this site! I love how you take simple truths and spot lite them, make them special and important to even me! This is completely true and very important to remember!

    1. Lacey, you are far too kind but thank you so much! I try to post things that can help or brighten even one person's life! I always ask the Lord for guidance as this is my ministry and this is His sight!

  2. So very true, why do we often live a powerless life? it isn't because we have no power, it is because, we don't have enough faith!

    1. Ah Laila, I think you hit the nail on the head! didn't Jesus say that our faith would be able to move mountains? Very true, thank you!
