Thursday, May 28, 2015

Survey of the Week

       Survey of the Week:

                  Please pick one question below, and post your answer 
                  under this post.
                  1. If someone asked you why you believe in God, 
                      what would your reply be?

                         2.  How would you feel if someone called you a
                      "Jesus Freak," or a "Fanatic"?

                 3.  What is your reply (if any) to someone who
                      says they don't believe in God?


  1. 3. If someone tells me that hey don't believe in God I try to find out where they are coming from, why they THINK that they don't believe! At this point I pretty much witness to them, if they still feel the same then I just walk away and pray for them.

    1. Aw Dahlia thank you so much for sharing, I think that this is perhaps the best or at least one of the best approaches as it is never a good idea to pressure or judge, so true, thank you.

  2. I choose number 2. If someone calls me a Jesus Freak, I smile and say, " Yes and proud of it" The Word of God says that if we are ashamed of Him, then He will be ashamed of us/me! I am proud to be called a child of God, and if that means being called a JESUS FREAK at some point in my life, or even every day of my life, then that is totally great with me!

    1. Riki, that is a wonderful way to put it! I agree with you wholeheartedly !
      I'm with you! It's like the song "Jesus Freak" by DC Talk says, " there is no hiding the truth!"

  3. If someone tells me they don't believe in God I simply ask them to tell me how it is that they are breathing at that very moment. Once the person searches his or her mind to come up with a smart answer, then I have the time to figure out how to convince them that there is indeed a GOd

    1. Wow Annie, that is a wonderful way to get someone's attention and to get them thinking just for starters! I would love to hear more about your experiences using your method!

  4. I would be proud to be called a Jesus Freak. Strange how this name or label is still very much alive after all these years. Guess sarcasm and stupidity never die!

    1. Right! you would think that after decades of trying to make "Jesus Freak" a put down, or unwanted label, it has instead continued to be used and now a whole new generation of believers seem to have embraced it. I'm with you, I would be proud to be called a Jesus Freak!

  5. It would be a complete honor to be called a Jesus Freak!

    1. I second that Laila! I'm gonna work harder at earning that title in man's eyes, yup!
