Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Plastic Princess

                                                       Plastic Princess
     I was in a hurry today trying to buy some veggies to make a veggie platter for my hubby's
birthday dinner. I was lost in thought standing in the check-out line. There was a mother and her
little girl who seemed to be about three years old standing behind me, the little girl was crying, that's
what caught my attention. I tried to mind my own business but it turned out to be impossible when the
little girl pulled on my skirt and looked up at me with tear stained eyes. I shot the mother a quick
glance to see if it was ok with her that I address her young daughter. The mother smiled, and the little
girl began. She told me her name was Kelly, and she wanted to know if something her mommy had
just told her was true or not.
     I have to say that it wasn't an easy spot to be in, so I just smiled and turned around. Much to
my surprise the mother tapped me on the shoulder and asked me if I would mind answering the child's
question or else she would have a terrible ride home. I smiled a weak smile and reluctantly agree as
the Kelly tucked, or should I say hung on to my purse strap. Without wasting a second the mother
said to the child,"ok Kelly ask her!." All at once Kelly told me that she was a princess but that she
didn't want to wear a tiara. Kelly continued and said," is it true that you can't be a princess if you
don't wear a tiara?."  I smiled at the mom who was now looking at me with eyes that seemed to say
"Please , all I need from you is one little word, just one little yes." I thought about it for a minute
then I replied, "no Kelly, you don't have to wear a tiara to be a princess!" Oh wow! If looks could
kill I would of been yesterday's toast! The mother grabbed Kelly's hand angrily and stormed off with
the child before I could say another word.
     I can't say that I wasn't extremely happy that the mother chose to storm off, if she hadn't I
don't know what the next word out of her mouth would have been. I did hear the mother say to the
child as she nearly dragged her to another check-out that if she didn't wear a tiara, then she was
just a pretend princess. I don't know what the princess argument was about, in I never will,"thankfully,"
but I do know one thing. If one must wear a tiara to be a princess, then give me a peasant dress I will
be far happier wearing that than a tiara. Most importantly however, I am so glad that I don't have to
wear a tiara to be identified as God's daughter, a princess. Since my Father is the King, then there is
no question as to who I am, He has made it clear. Our tiaras are invisible in the present kingdom. Our
tiaras are made of a material that doesn't rust or break. Sometimes it isn't easy being the daughter of
THE King, but as long as He is there to pick us up when we fall, or need Him to hold us in His arms,
then hey, that's all I need to know! What about you sis?


  1. Interesting! I would have thought the mother would have been glad to have her little princess go places without her tiara. My goodness, the poor little girl must have to wear it in bed, in the bath, at pre-school, and even church. Mom has a problem not the little girl. Perhaps Mom watches the reality show, Toddlers & Tiaras, way too much. God knows who we are without the outward regalia. The little girl had it right. :-)

  2. Gloria,
    I agree with you completely! the little girl did have it right!
    I am so glad that as you say,"God knows who we are without the
    outward regalia". Imagine how it would be if we had to be proving
    ourselves to our Heavenly Father daily, or hourly or ? I thank
    God that He established it, He spoke it and that makes it so. If
    only I could remember that on the days that I feel more like

  3. it would be exhausting to have to prove who we are all the time if God required that of us but He doesn't. Thank you, Lord!

    This is the lyrics to one of my favorite songs, "He Knows My Name" by Tommy Walker. Here's the words and link on

    He Knows My Name by Tommy Walker

    I have a Maker
    He formed my heart
    Before even time began
    My life was in his hands

    I have a Father
    He calls me His own
    He'll never leave me
    No matter where I go

    He knows my name
    He knows my every thought
    He sees each tear that falls

    1. Interesting, indeed! I was searching for the lyrics of my favorite songs so I could post it never thinking at the time that I would be near death in a few hours. All the words in the song are a great comfort to me.
      "I have a Father
      He calls me his own
      He'll never leave me
      No matter where I go

      He knows my name...

      He does know my name. In fact, the scriptures say my name is engraved upon the palm of his hand, My fellow King's Daughters. I have come to understand over time that whether I live or die, It's a win-win situation for me. If I live I have many opportunities to share Jesus with others. If I had died, I still get to serve God.

  4. Gloria,
    Those are fantastic lyrics, I am going to check the video out
    just as soon as I get done here. It is so true and so fitting!
    Thanks so much for sharing them!

  5. Gloria,
    I so love that verse in the Bible that says that He has
    our name engraved on His hand. To me that speaks about how much
    God loves us, how he knows everything about us, our strengths,
    our needs everything! You are so right, every moment that we
    are alive is an opportunity to share about God and His love
    and mercy. That is the very heart of this site, sharing about His
    love and who we are in him. Thank you so much for sharing from
    your very heart. Your thankfulness and praise rings out loud and
    clear in your words and beyond. Blessed be the Lord! great to have
    you back!
