Sunday, May 13, 2012

The "Son" shines on Mother's Day

     Happy mother's day to all you mothers out there! I sat beside my mother's grave today
and carefully arranged the beautiful flowers that I had for her, in the cold iron vase that sits beside
most of the graves. As I placed the flowers in that vase I wished my precious mom a happy mother's
day and through myself face down on the warm grass wanting to feel close to her. I'm sure that might
sound a bit, or a lot morbid or crazy to some of you, but I'm sure it sounds perfectly normal to those of
you whose mom's have passed on.
    The whole time my nose was pressed to the ground I could feel the warmth of the sunny spring
day on my back. It was at that moment that I was reminded of  the Lord and His love for us. Here I was
choking back tears, and riding the waves of sobs that escaped my throat, and at the same time the very warmth
of the sun seemed to be the presence of the Lord telling me to be comforted and not to forget that one
day we will all be together again!
  I know I'm talking bout Mother's day but it made me think of God, our heavenly Father, It made
me think about how He must feel. He is separated from us our whole lives. He watches us from heaven
and sees us skin our spiritual knees and having our hearts broken because of grief, or loss, or sickness,
or any one of the million things that can hurt us in our life times. I thought about how hard that must be
for Him. When He gave his only son Jesus on the cross it was out of His love for us, to make a
way for us to be with Him one day.
    May all of us not mothers only, but every one of God's children under the sun remember to
thank Him today and always for our mothers, and more importantly for Jesus  the one whose precious
blood has delivered us from the curse and made it possible for us all to be together again one day.


  1. Daughter,
    Wow, I wish I could know your name but heck with cyberspace being what it is I dont blame you for not using your name. Anyway, I just want to say that I really love you site and stories you really are a great writer! Your writing is deep,heartfelt it seems anyway, and
    very inspiring. I am not a Christian but I do believe in the Lord God of Isreal. I would like to know more about the "Jesus" you talk so much about. Keep up the good work!

  2. Dear Daughter,
    I dont know what I am doing wrong so I will try again. I am the one who left the comment
    above but for some reason it posted as unknown so sorry, I do not wish to be annoymous.

    thank you,

  3. Welcome, Christy! I love to read the stories and journal entries. I am anxious to wait for the next one. What will the topic be. Each one has hit a chord in my heart and spirit. I hope you will visit often as I do.

  4. Aw Christy,so nice to meet you! If you are seeking to know about
    Jesus, then it could be that He is seeking to meet you where you
    are and reveal Himself to you. Start with the scriptures as someone
    else posted in one of the blogs here, the Gospel is God's love letter
    to us, and as such you will find Him as you read His love letter
    and get to know Him. Besides that, I and other friends are here so
    if you have any questions or would like prayer please just ask!
    I hope you will come back God bless you!
