Saturday, May 19, 2012

Poisoned Toothpaste!

                                          Poisoned Toothpaste

     Alert! for all the Kings children: The following is a quote from Dr. Teifue Chen-
         "Toothpaste contains sodium lauryl sulfate(SLS) or a similar ingredient. This is a grease cutting
detergent to strong for mucus membrane. SLS is very irritating and can cause you gums to recede on
the low side of the damage it can do. Makers include saccharin, artificial colors and flavors, just to name
a few offenders to cover up the chemicals. Is it any wonder there is a warning on it that it should not be
swallowed. These ingredients are especially harmful to children"

 I don't know about you but I am switching to an herb based good-for me toothpaste!


  1. No wonder gel toothpaste make my gums very red & irritated. I thought I was allergic to Crest gel toothpastes.

  2. Hello Gloria,
    Nice "seeing you" here again! Nope! it is the SLS in the toothpaste.
    From what I understand it is in pretty much every toothpaste and
    sometimes listed under another name. I forgot to mention that people
    who have sensitivities of any kind can be especially affect by the

  3. Wow that is so interesting I have always wondered why
    the label basiclly says not to eat the stuff!

  4. time I was playing with my cat and was pretending I was going to brush his teeth with human toothpaste. Just a tiny bit touching his mouth and he freaked out, foaming at the mouth. Boy, did I feel awful about that. I didn't mean to really touch his mouth with the stuff. I used feline paste (tuna flavored) to keep his teeth clean. I had to grab him and rinse his mouth out so it would stop foaming. No more pretending with the foul toothpaste.

    I should switch to one of the nature toothpastes but I have such sensitive skin and gums, I am happy with ProEnamel. I don't get the red and sore gums anymore and I can finally eat hot and cold food. Guess I need to make the switch so I don't poison myself. Thanks for the heads up, HisDaughter!

  5. Ah Gloria I am glad you found the toothpaste info useful! I am
    trying to take care of this temple God loaned us while we dance
    upon this earth just as I know you and so many people are trying
    as well. So, when I come upon something that I find of value I like
    to share it with others.
    Wow your poor cat! here you were loving on your precious little
    cat and he ends up foaming at the mouth. Tuna flavored toothpaste!
    I kind of think that would be a good flavor for human toothpaste!

  6. Sammy;
    That is a great point you make and oh so true! When one
    really thinks about it it does seem kind of ironic that
    using something that's supposed to help preserve our teeth
    and oral hygiene is so harmful that perhaps it can get rid
    of us and our teeth might be preserved forever with all the
