Sunday, April 28, 2013


As you know, we recently celebrated our 1st birthday. In response to a couple of great suggestions from a couple of our site friends/members, I am pleased to announce the following! Starting May 1,2013 we will be having a semi-contest. Why semi-contest you ask? well life is hard enough already, there is enough competition in our lives as it is, far be it from me to add to it. So, as these two fine friends suggested, and I am not dropping any names haa haa haa!(Sarah and Lacey). They, as well as all our blog family and myself, would love to see our "family"grow, and have fun together as we encourage one another in the Lord,grow in Him, and share the Gospel with others.  The challange is this: at this moment in time we have approx. 28 members and our blog has had 2,619 hits in the year we have been in existence. So, it is really simple. If you wish to "enter" the semi-contest, just tell your friends and family about us,maybe share on your social networks and ? Ask them to just check us out, no obligation to join of course. If one of them decide to join, they must give us "your" name so we can know who to give credit to. The semi-contest will close on May31st. The person who has had the most friends "visit" our site will receive a $20 gift card to an "eatery" in your area. The person who has the most friends "join" will win a  "$40 visa or master gift card. Obviously these prizes are not monumental or large but it will make for fun as the "committee" suggested! Keeping in mind that the main goal is to grow our site,not simply for the sake of growing but first and foremost for the spreading of the Word and love of God! and to be comfort and support to one another, even if it is just  in some small way. The prizes will be awarded in June. One last thing, the "committee" raised one question: the question was, "what if people just get people to join in order to win the contest? My reply was and is : If that is the case, then there is nothing I can do about dishonesty or alterior motives that might exist in anyone's mind or heart. It would be between that person and "whom" they answer to. Besides, as I said I want us to have fun together as we grow together! And, I am pretty sure, though I have never met most of our online family before, that we are all just trying to live for the Lord and grow in Him, what better way than together. Sorry this is so long but this is the only place and time the semi-contest will be mentioned. Lastly, please direct your friends to introduce themselves in our "coffeshop" they don't have to say anything about the semi-contest, they should just simply state that they heard about us for "you"...that's it, let's have fun with this! 


  1. Hisdaughter
    I love love love the idea of this semi-contest as you call it , and the name as well!
    I can't wait to tell people about this blog, don't know why I hadn't thought about it before!

  2. WONDERFUL Idea! let's all get busy friends what do you say?
