Wednesday, April 17, 2013

He Cares for You!

By: John Hagee

 Matthew 10:29-

—Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will.
If God takes car of the birds, he’ll take care of you!
Consider the sparrows.  They do not drink Maalox.  They do not read the Wall Street Journal or Better Homes and Gardens.  Yet I attend the funeral of every sparrow that falls.  Are you not much more valuable than they?  If I take care of the sparrows, won’t I take care of you?”  Sparrows do not sow, they do not reap, they do not gather into barns.  Sparrows do not have conferences and say, “This is how we’re going to increase production next year.”  But God feeds them.
If God takes care of the birds, He’ll take care of you.  Some people hear what Jesus said and they say, “That’s for me.  I’m not going to work.  I’m gong to climb a tree and open my mouth.”  The fact is, god provides worms for birds, but he does not throw them down their throats.  Worry kills more people than work.  Some of you are playing it safe and doing neither.  Birds don’t read books about how to relax.  They don’t say, “Next year, bird, we’re going to eat, drink and be merry.”  Birds do not overindulge.  They only get fat when someone—
Man—puts them in cages.
Men, on the other hand, get greedy.  They ignore God’s provision while they stockpile and hoard and accumulate wealth.  Then they start depending on Maalox to get them through the day and Valium to get them through the night.  They live on the naked edge and their homes are living war zones, all because they’re afraid somebody’s going to get all they have.  Finally, when men get their bodies and minds so worried that they can’t lie down at night, then they go to the sporting goods store, by an expensive set of binoculars, and go out in the country and watch the birds—the birds who know that Go will take care of them, that God will protect them, and God will provide for them.
Are you as smart as a bird?  Then why are you dominated by stress?  Stop worrying.  In Jesus’ name, take every care you have and give it to the Lord!


  1. Hisdaughter,
    this article is so true and a wonderful reminder as to God's love for us and our need to trust in Him completly!

    1. Dahlia:
      Yes, our full trust in the Lord can make a big difference, it is all He asks us for in return for all He has done and will yet do for us!

  2. Hisdaughter,,,where have you been? I have missed you! been checking here for days and "no one" was here! hope your doing well.
    I love this article by Pastor Hagee, he is one of my favorite pastors! I for one need to lean more closely on the Lord!

    1. Sarah:
      Ah thanks for asking Sarah! sorry I have not posted in a while. I do love this blog and you and all of our other friends very much. It is just that sometimes bumps in the road of life get in the way and we need to keep our eyes on the Lord so that those bumps don't trip us up completely.
      Yes Pastor Hagee is one of my favorite pastors as well.
      And your so right, trusting in the Lord may be difficult when the days get dark but we must always trust Him to bring us into the light.

  3. Hisdaughter:
    We humans do really need to get a clue from the animals, God's other creation!

    1. Annie:
      Lol! Annie so true, you made me laugh out loud literally! So true though how the animals are clothed and fed and kept safe by their creator.
      What wonderful privilege we have as children of the King,
      we have a special place in His heart, above his beautiful animal creation.

  4. Dear Hisdaughter:
    I often wonder how it is that I have no trouble trusting the Lord for the big things, yet the small things really throw me for a loop! perhaps it's just me ha?

    1. Christy:
      Ha! you are not alone, I sometimes think that maybe it is
      because maybe He doesn't care about the little things, you know like they are not important to Him. However His Word tells me otherwise!

  5. Hisdaughter:
    wonderful article! I love Pastor Hagee, he is so real!
    I for one am guilty of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I trust Him in all things but need more. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Riki:
      thank you Riki! wish I could take credit for it! Yes Pasto
      Hagee is a wonderful writer and great man of God!

  6. Dearest Hisdaughter:
    Wonderful thoughts for the day! So important and timely as well.

    1. Lacey:
      So true, in these hard times it is sometimes hard to
      see the light through the awful and seemingly endless darkness! Thank God that trust in Him is one of the keys to getting through the darkness.

  7. Hisdaughter:
    Have missed you,noticed you haven't "visited" in a week or so,hoping all is well with you! you are loved and appreciated!

    I love this wonderful reminder of how much we should trust in
    God! great wake up call for me!

    1. Gale:
      Ah Gale, it is wonderful to know this site means so much to
      you, it is really special to me as you are. It is wonderful to know one is loved and appreciated, sometimes we need to hear it,thank you so much!

      Yes wonderful article by Pastor Hagee and timely indeed.

  8. It is wonderful to have this site, you! to come to, for comfort,
    friendship, and wonderful reminders of God's love for us.
    I have been in church since I was born, I have known who
    God is, but never who He really is. Not the way you explain it anyway.
    You see I grew up in the Serbian Orthodox church but never knew how real and faithful God is. Please don't get me wrong, I love my church and our rich traditions, but I am really loving getting to know God in a more personal way. Thanks to you, and this site, I now know that God is more than ritual,festivities etc.
    I now know that God loves "me" me, with all my faults and all my mistakes. Thank you!

    1. Smilja:
      Thank you so much, it is wonderful to know that our blog/site helps you or anyone feel comfort and friendship as you share with us, it makes it worth it all!
      You know Smilja,it is a true blessing to draw close to the
      Lord and feel Him draw closer to us. I know what you mean about traditions they are the fiber of our social being, but when God becomes the fiber, the very substance of our "complete" being
      (soul,spirit,mind, body) our lives are truly changed.
      He created us for relationship, traditions and rituals are fine but we must never put them above God and His Word.
      You are right, the realization that one is known and Loved by God regardless of what one has done or not done, is perhaps the most wonderful and important realization one can come to.
      Yes, He loves you,unconditionally! trust Him,seek Him and He has promised that you will find him. If you would like to ask any questions or just talk please email me anytime and I will be sure and get back to you soon ok? God bless you !

  9. wonderful and very enlightening article! thank you so much!
