Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Site Directory

In an effort to improve our blog/site, and to make finding certain
"places" easier to locate,we are adding this Directory. Please let
me know how you like it friends! Please look for the title of the
"place" you are trying to locate on the side bar, and click.
Lately: The Place where today's (or the most recent) posts
and (your comments) are listed

Prayer Place: The Place for you to leave your prayer requests

Praise Place: The Place for posting your praise reports

Welcome Friend: You guessed it, this is the place for new
friends to leave a comment, ask a question,
or just say hello!

Special Welcome to ____-: This is the place where I will give an
official welcome to new friends who
join our site.

Prayer of Salvation: If you would like to make Jesus your
Lord and Savior we will meet you here!

I'm All Ears: This is the place where you can share
with me about some of the topics you
would like to see covered here on our
site. You can also reach me by email.
You can also leave me a message here. 

Coffee Shop: This is the place where you can connect
with other friends on our blog. You can
leave a message for a friend,share thoughts,
or ? 
Alert: This is the place for you to check if you
have a message from anyone.
*Please check back here for additional "Places" as they are
added to this director

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