Friday, June 08, 2012

Prayer of Salvation

     If you have come to our site here and you don't know the Lord but would like to receive Him
as your Savior please pray the following prayer or something like it that comes from your heart. If
you do so He has promised that you will be saved.:

    Dear Jesus I know that I am a sinner, I believe that you died for me, and God raised you
    from the dead. Please forgive my sins I accept you right now as my Lord and Savior ...
                         Jesus name amen

    *that is just a pattern the important thing is that you mean it from your heart and that you
      say it out loud. The Bible says that:
                            "If you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe
                              in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you shall be saved"
                                                                                                      Romans 10:9

                            "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved"
                                                                                                      Romans 10:13

                           "For God so loved the world that He gave His only son that whosoever
                            believes in Him shall not perish but have ever lasting life"
                                                                                                      John 3:16
..........If you prayed that prayer I would like to encourage you to get to know the Lord on a
          personal level. This can be done through prayer, reading His word-the Bible, and just
          spending time with Him. He will reveal himself to you as you seek Him. If you have any
          questions please let me know and I will try and answer them for you. If I can't I will
          find someone who does. I don't claim to know it all, far from it, I am just a believer who
         loves people and I desire to share the Lord the greatest gift with anyone who wishes to hear.
           If you do have any questions, you can either leave them as a comment on our site or send
         them to my email- Come let's grow together! Oh and welcome
        to the family. Oh one more thing, if you just prayed that prayer please let me know and
        welcome to the family of God!


  1. How do you share about the Lord with someone
    who says that he or she is just curious? I mean
    do I just tell them what the Lord did for us,
    shed His precious blood, rose from the dead...
    I am not sure?

  2. Laila,
    You know Laila I think you already know what the
    best thing to say would be in this type of situation
    because I believe you are right on in what you said
    above. I agree with you, tell the person about Jesus
    precious blood that delivered us from the curse of sin and
    death, and about His resurrection through which we too receive
    I believe if someone says they are just quite often might
    just be that the Holy Spirit is already dealing with them
    and they either don't know it or don't want to admit it.
    Either way, if you share with them you have already given them
    the best gift you can, Jesus, then the rest is up to the person.
    I hope this makes sense, please let me/us know how it goes and
    if you need help praying ok? Thank you for that great question!

  3. Laila,
    Sorry I just had to correct something,
    In the last paragraph I wrote,"I believe if someone says quite often..." I meant to say
    that I believe that quite often if someone says
    that they are curious, it means the Holy Spirit
    is already working on them. Sorry about the
    errors there I hit the post button before I
    intended to.
