Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Putting on the full Armor of God

The Armor of God and  God's instructions for putting it on can be found in the Bible in the
book of :
               Ephesians 6:10-18
God's armor brings victory because it is far more than just protective covering. The armor is the
essence and the being of our Lord Jesus. If you go to Romans 13:12-14 you will see the instructions
that Paul wrote telling us that we should put on the armor of "light". Once we do that, we are able to
find a hiding place in Him, we are protected.
  We should begin by immersing ourselves in God's truth daily until it becomes a  part of us. The best
place to start is in His word, the Bible.

Below is a short description of the Armor:
   Helmet of Salvation-guards our head and our mind  Psalms 16:23, Hebrews 1:3-6
  Breastplate of Righteousness-Jesus is our righteousness, we should put Him on like a
                                               garment   Psalms 100, Philipians  13:8-10  Romans 3:23 and 24
  Belt of Truth-Jesus is the way and the truth, we should seek to know Him Psalms 23:1, Deut.4:39
  Shoes/sandals of Peace-Jesus is our peace, put on these shoes so that we can have inner peace,
  and so that our feet will be ready to advance in the battle when we need to! Romans 5:1, Eph. 2:14
      Shield of Faith- faith is our very life! we live by faith, and are protected by faith, Romans 4:18-21
                              Hebrews 11:1, 1 Peter 1:6-7

     Sword of Faith- the Word of God slays, counters, and defeats weapons that "rise up against us."
                               This weapons are hurled at us to hurt or even kill us. The sword is also our
                               defense against spiritual attacks or deceptions or accusations. Hebrews 4:12,
                               Psalms 119:110-112, and 1 Peter 3:15 

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