Thursday, June 07, 2012

Prayer Place

6-20-12  Hisdaughter- I would like to request prayer for "Alex" he is undergoing
                                    surgery soon for a tumor on his liver. Thank you and blessings!


  1. I will continue praying. Updates on Jodi's condition helps me to pray more specifically.

  2. Gloria,
    Thank you so much for praying for Jodi! I
    will continue updating everyone. For today's
    update she opened her eyes and wiggled her
    toes a bit but not on command so guess that's
    supposed to be normal? don't know. Thank you
    again for praying.

  3. Praise God! That is something even if a small beginning. She is still in there just as I was in ICU. I hope people are talking to her just as they normally would. I could often hear people but couldn't respond. Let's don't stop praying for Jodi.
