Tuesday, June 05, 2012

New Word from the Word 6/17/2012

                                                             The Lord's Prayer

Matthew 18:19 and 20
               "Whenever two on earth agree as touching on something it shall be done by
                 my Father in heaven...for when two or three come together in my name I will
                 be with them."

                       I was reading the Lord's prayer a couple days ago and noticed something
                 I hadn't noticed before. That was strange tome because I like you I'm sure have
                read and prayed the Lord's prayer many many times before. I took special notice
                on that particular day that the whole prayer is about praying together! Oh I don't
                claim to be a Bible scholar or anything like that but it just spoke to me in a new
                and different way. Have you noticed that the prayer is made up of words such as
                "our" Father, and "give "us" "our" daily bread?
                      The prayer also says, "forgive us   "our" debts and so on. I know what
                you might be thinking, you might say well, of course it says those things, that Jesus
                 was modeling the prayer for us, telling us "how" we should pray. To that I would
                 say yes you are right, but why didn't He just say "when you pray, say my Father
                 which art in heaven?" or "give me, my daily bread".
                     I of course don't know for sure but I believe it speaks to us about not
                just praying alone all the time. There is power in praying with someone else, or
               in a group at times. At the very least there is wonderful fellowship involved in praying
               with others, and we are holding one another up to the Lord.


  1. Hisdaughter,
    I went and read the entire 145th of the
    book of Psalms. There is so much meat or foo
    for thought. It's like you short little study
    is something to whet the appetite!

  2. Sarah:
    I am so glad that the little Bible study caused
    you to want more of the Living bread of Life. I guess that
    is what the Lord means by "Man shall not live by bread alone"
    being as our very being consists of 3 parts, it would follow
    that we need more than physical food to live in these mortal
    bodies or "tents" as the Bible calls them.
    So true, just this Psalm alone gives us so much to
    think about, and so much to hope in the Lord for!

  3. I found this chapter of the Psalms to be very comforting and
    it fills one with such hope. To know that God loves us so
    much, and is always faithful. It kind of makes me ashamed of the
    fact that I sometimes have trouble being faitful to Him when He
    is ALWAYS! faithful to me, I am gonna try harder.

  4. Isaiah 41:10
    Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

    He loves us. If we seek him with our whole heart, he will help you. We all fail at time. Get up, ask for forgiveness. He will restore you. His blood shed on the cross covers all of our sins.

  5. That is a wonderful and fresh way to look at the Lord's
    prayer. It makes a lot of sense as well. Thank you, I have
    learned a lot

  6. I never thougt about it that way, it makes sense though
    why else would Jesus of taught us to pray "our", I love it!

  7. What is our debt? Our primary debt is for our sins.
    Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    It's a debt we could never pay but Jesus paid it all on the Cross for us. He suffered the full penalty for our sins. So, we should forgive those who sin against us.

    To hear the most beautiful rendition of The Lord's Prayer you will never forget, click on the link below. It is sung by opera singer Andrea Bocelli. It's totally heavenly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEplqV0scyo

    Love, Gloria

  8. Gloria,
    Thank you so much for explaining what "debt" I and the
    entire human race owed ,a debt that only Jesus could pay.
    It reminds me of a a song :

    I owed a debt I couldn't pay
    He paid a debt He didn't owe...
    I am so thankful for the precious blood of Jesus that paid it all!
