This place is dedicated to children of the one true God from all walks of life who believe in and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior,and to those who would like to learn more about Him. It is my hope and prayer that you will be filled with the realization that you are a true gem in Him, and in the eyes of our father God! May you always feel loved, and needed, and special because that is what you truly are! You are loved, and never alone!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Another voice of support
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
Time Well Spent
It is a well known fact that time spent reading
the Word of God is perhaps the best investment
of our time. The Word of God says that His Word
is many/all things to us. The Word of God is...
"...a lamp unto our feet..." "...and a light unto our
path." and so much more.
The Psalms are like a collection of experiences
or journal of every emotion, problem, and
triumph known to man., yet they were written so
long ago. It is so comforting and encouraging to
know that we can run to the Psalms, and even the
entire Bible to find hope and help!
When one reads the many Psalms written by King David, it is so wonderful to see that he was not only one of the greatest and well known Kings of Israel,
but just as human as you and I! I believe this is one of the reasons that the Psalms written by this great
King, give us so much hope through the book of time.
the Word of God is perhaps the best investment
of our time. The Word of God says that His Word
is many/all things to us. The Word of God is...
"...a lamp unto our feet..." "...and a light unto our
path." and so much more.
The Psalms are like a collection of experiences
or journal of every emotion, problem, and
triumph known to man., yet they were written so
long ago. It is so comforting and encouraging to
know that we can run to the Psalms, and even the
entire Bible to find hope and help!
When one reads the many Psalms written by King David, it is so wonderful to see that he was not only one of the greatest and well known Kings of Israel,
but just as human as you and I! I believe this is one of the reasons that the Psalms written by this great
King, give us so much hope through the book of time.
Note: To Friends Around the World!
I would like to share with you the fact that I have heard from several friends from around the world! I have heard from people from countries such as Russia, Italy, Switzerland, and India. I would like to remind friends who have not joined our site that you are just as special, just as Important, as friends who have joined our site! Please know that you do not have to join our group to post comments, questions or anything else you may want to post. I/we would of course love to have you join our group(using the join the group tab ) if you wish to, so that we may get to know and interact with one another. If not, please visit us often.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
New Prayer Requests
8/20/12 Marge- is quite ill and her Dr. is unable to diagnose
what is ailing her.
Sandy- she is a new Christian going through a deep
depression and feels completely hopeless
Stacey- her son Danny (teen age) has a heart problem
and is ill Dr.s think he has west nile virus
Peggy- still quite ill needs dr.s to give her the "help"
she needs
Thank you for your prayers!
what is ailing her.
Sandy- she is a new Christian going through a deep
depression and feels completely hopeless
Stacey- her son Danny (teen age) has a heart problem
and is ill Dr.s think he has west nile virus
Peggy- still quite ill needs dr.s to give her the "help"
she needs
Thank you for your prayers!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Announcing our next "Story"
In response to requests from many of you my friends, please
read the opening lines below to our next story that will be posted
within the next two or three days! Thank you so much for your
interest and support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: The Diamond Trilogy;
1. Digging for Diamonds
2. Dark Diamond
3. To be announced
" It had been seventeen long years since Hannah last saw her
father. Sitting on the cold vinyl seat in the hospital waiting room,
Hannah wondered how her dad would react when they finally
came face to face,she wondered if he would even be able to
recognize her........................................"
read the opening lines below to our next story that will be posted
within the next two or three days! Thank you so much for your
interest and support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: The Diamond Trilogy;
1. Digging for Diamonds
2. Dark Diamond
3. To be announced
" It had been seventeen long years since Hannah last saw her
father. Sitting on the cold vinyl seat in the hospital waiting room,
Hannah wondered how her dad would react when they finally
came face to face,she wondered if he would even be able to
recognize her........................................"
Friday, August 17, 2012
"Fearfully and Wonderfully Made"

87% to 95% of the illnesses that plague us today are a direct result of our thought life. What we think about affects us physically and emotionally. It's an epidemic of toxic emotions.
The average person has over 30,000 thoughts a day. Through an uncontrolled thought life, we create the conditions for illness; we make ourselves sick! Research shows that fear, all on its own, triggers more than 1,400 known physical and chemical responses and activates more than 30 different hormones. There are INTELLECTUAL and MEDICAL reasons to FORGIVE! Toxic waste generated by toxic thoughts causes the following illnesses: diabetes, cancer, asthma, skin problems and allergies to name just a few. Consciously control your thought life and start to detox your brain!
Medical research increasingly points to the fact that thinking and consciously controlling your thought life is one of the best ways, if not the best way of detoxing your brain. It allows you to get rid of those toxic thoughts and emotions that can consume and control your mind.
Change in your thinking is essential to detox the brain. Consciously controlling your thought life means not letting thoughts rampage through your mind. It means learning to engage interactively with every single thought that you have, and to analyse it before you decide either to accept or reject it.
How do you go about doing that? By "looking" at your mental processes. That may sound like a strange, if not impossible thing to do. After all, it's not as if you can just crack open your skull like an egg and have a look at what is going on inside your brain.
It is possible, however, to look at your mental processes. In fact, it is not just possible, it is essential.
For example consider the following:
- How many "could-have", "would-have", "should-have" statements have you made today?
- How many "if onlys" were part of your inner vocabulary today?
- How many times have you replayed in your head a conversation or situation that pained you, or one that hasn't even occurred yet?
- How many scenarios have you created of the unpredictable future?
- How much is speculation taking out of your day?
- How passive is your mind?
- How honest are you with yourself?
- Are you at cross-purposes with yourself - going through the motions, but not really committed to the goal, saying one thing but meaning another?
- How distorted is your thinking? Are you forming a personal identity around for example, a disease? Do you speak about "my arthritis", "my multiple sclerosis", "my heart problem"?
- Do you ever make comments like "nothing ever goes right for me"; "everything I touch fails"; "I always mess up"?
A potential pitfall on the path towards detoxing your brain is the fact that toxic thoughts come in many guises. On the surface, a thought like "I must do well" seems positive enough. It is only when you look at it closely, and check out the feelings it generates and their effects on your body and mind, that you will be able to judge fairly and squarely if this is a thought that serves you well.
If you base your thought life on assumptions like the above the foundations will be shaky and the edifice (your body mind) that you create thereafter will be highly unstable. As you think more toxic thoughts and generate more toxic emotions, that edifice will show cracks, cave in and eventually collapse altogether as burgeoning illness and disease takes hold.
Right off, you need to ditch unrealistic thinking and keep in mind some key principles to kick-start the process of controlling toxic thoughts:
Thoughts create your moods
When you experience a fear-based emotion you will feel depressed and your thoughts will be characterised by negativity
A negative thought linked to emotional turmoil will be distorted
"...bringing all thoughts into captivity to Christ Jesus" (2 Corinthians 10:5) becomes the golden rule of safe thinking
The process of "bringing all thoughts into captivity"
There are four simple techniques involved:- Understanding that thoughts are real and have an actual anatomy
Thoughts are real things: they have a structure in your brain and occupy space. Thoughts are the same as memories. Thoughts and memories look like trees and are called neurons or nerve cells. You build a double memory of everything as a mirror image of each other. This means that the memory on the left side of the brain builds from the detail to the big picture; and the memory on the right side builds from the big picture to the detail. When you put these two perspectives of thought together, you get intelligent understanding taking place. As information comes in from the five senses, you process it in certain structures of your brain, then you grow branches on the "trees" to hold this information in long term memory. In fact, as you reading this, you are growing thoughts, because, thoughts are the result of what we hear and read and see and feel and experience. This means that whatever you grow is part of you, actual branches in your brain that create your attitude and influence your decisions. - Increasing conscious awareness of your thoughts and how you are feeling.
Knowledge of the anatomy of thought naturally leads into the process of actively analysing incoming information and thoughts constantly. You should never let a thought or thoughts roam chaotically and unchecked through your head. Examine every thought you have and ask yourself: is this good for me? Is it from God or the devil or my own confused thinking? Conscious awareness of your thinking should become like a habit. A habit takes twenty-one days to create. Today is the first day of that twenty-one... - Doing something once you have analysed the thought.
So, whilst technique two is developing a conscious awareness of what you are thinking about. Now technique three is doing something about the thought. This means making a conscious decision to actively accept the thought (if it is good for you) or reject it (if it is bad for you). This means you use your God-given ability of free will (this also has actual structural position in the brain) to do something about the thought you are consciously aware of. Thoughts have as much control as we give them. - Building new memories over the old.
This is the really exciting part in dealing with our thought life because, accepting or rejecting the thought is changing the neural circuitry of your brain: you brain is growing while you think and you have control over the process. Technique four happens when the brain steps in and creates a structural representation of what you have chosen to accept (adds more branches on the tree) and converts what you have chosen to reject into hot air!- Lets see how these four techniques work if you have an unforgiveness in your memory trees towards someone:
- Technique one: this unforgiveness looks like a thorn tree and will hurt you - visualize the twisted bitter thorn tree.
- Technique two: be consciously aware of this thought of unforgiveness - where it comes from, how long it has been there, and so on.
- Technique three: ask the Holy Spirit to help you use your free will to make the wisdom decision to reject unforgiveness and forgive. Picture the unforgiveness disappearing as hot air.
- Technique four: now build a new de-thorned memory to replace the thorny unforgiveness with for example, quoting scriptures, singing a worship song, praying for the person, and so
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Friends are special
Just wanted to share this photo of some of the beautiful Princesses who showed me so much love
at a recent party/dinner for my birthday!
at a recent party/dinner for my birthday!
Now hear this...(Update 8/19).
New Post update for: today 8/19(please scroll to bottom below stars)
Starting with this post, there will be a new "place"
added to our site called...yes..."now hear this." A couple
of people have mentioned that it is a bit difficult to know
when someone has posted on our site without actually going
through each post.
So, I will be "alerting" you to new(or pretty new) posts
just as soon as I spot them. I will post the present date at the
time of that post. Latest posts alert will be posted right below
the stars.
8/19/ 12 Posted by- Location-
1. Hisdaughter Kings Daughters Bible...(update)
8/18/12 Posted By- Location-
1. Hisdaughter Announcing our next story
2. Hisdaughter Epilogue(to
3. Hisdaughter Dark Diamond(story)
**Please note: Please read the above in the order they are
listed in order to understand the sequence of events.
8/17/12- Posted By- Location
1. Christy Goldburg Friends are Special
2. Christy Goldburg The Truth
3. Hisdaughter The best legacy
4. Hisdaughter Fearfully and Wonderfully made
5. Hisdaughter Announcing.....
Starting with this post, there will be a new "place"
added to our site called...yes..."now hear this." A couple
of people have mentioned that it is a bit difficult to know
when someone has posted on our site without actually going
through each post.
So, I will be "alerting" you to new(or pretty new) posts
just as soon as I spot them. I will post the present date at the
time of that post. Latest posts alert will be posted right below
the stars.
8/19/ 12 Posted by- Location-
1. Hisdaughter Kings Daughters Bible...(update)
8/18/12 Posted By- Location-
1. Hisdaughter Announcing our next story
2. Hisdaughter Epilogue(to
3. Hisdaughter Dark Diamond(story)
**Please note: Please read the above in the order they are
listed in order to understand the sequence of events.
8/17/12- Posted By- Location
1. Christy Goldburg Friends are Special
2. Christy Goldburg The Truth
3. Hisdaughter The best legacy
4. Hisdaughter Fearfully and Wonderfully made
5. Hisdaughter Announcing.....
Sunday, August 12, 2012
The Truth...
It is true that "you are what you eat" but your are not! what
you weigh! It is only a number! Instead we should focus on
the "Name" that God has given us. He loves us fully and without
condition or else perhaps He would have given us a "number"
instead of a name. Here are a few of the names God has given
you and I:
1. beloved
2. redeemed
3. forgiven
5. blessed
6. healed
.....and so many more! Ok so these are not really names
but they are who and what God says we are. Let's not get
caught up on the proper mechanics of words and their particular
parts of speech and their function.
Society and the world give us words and we accept them as
our names or labels such as:
1. dumb
2. ugly
3. fat
4. useless
....and so on! they are all just words right? But as we know
words have negative and or positive affects on us. Words have
creative power. So are we going to believe what the world and
the enemy of our soul says we are, or what God and His word
says we are? I choose to listen to the WORD of TRUTH.
HEALED,and so much more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you weigh! It is only a number! Instead we should focus on
the "Name" that God has given us. He loves us fully and without
condition or else perhaps He would have given us a "number"
instead of a name. Here are a few of the names God has given
you and I:
1. beloved
2. redeemed
3. forgiven
5. blessed
6. healed
.....and so many more! Ok so these are not really names
but they are who and what God says we are. Let's not get
caught up on the proper mechanics of words and their particular
parts of speech and their function.
Society and the world give us words and we accept them as
our names or labels such as:
1. dumb
2. ugly
3. fat
4. useless
....and so on! they are all just words right? But as we know
words have negative and or positive affects on us. Words have
creative power. So are we going to believe what the world and
the enemy of our soul says we are, or what God and His word
says we are? I choose to listen to the WORD of TRUTH.
HEALED,and so much more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Thursday, August 09, 2012
Happy birthday!
Today is my dad Maxemiliano's 101 st birthday!!! Happy birthday Dad!
He has been gone to be with the Lord since 2006 but it seems like twenty years.
He was such a great man of God and I thank the Lord for giving me two wonderful
Godly parents. My dad was a wonderful writer and I like to believe that I am even half
as good of a writer as he was. As a matter of a fact I don't consider myself to be a good
writer but I try in his honor.
So happy birthday dad, one more time. I miss you so very much but rest in
the fact that God has promised that as believers we will all be reunited again one day!
He has been gone to be with the Lord since 2006 but it seems like twenty years.
He was such a great man of God and I thank the Lord for giving me two wonderful
Godly parents. My dad was a wonderful writer and I like to believe that I am even half
as good of a writer as he was. As a matter of a fact I don't consider myself to be a good
writer but I try in his honor.
So happy birthday dad, one more time. I miss you so very much but rest in
the fact that God has promised that as believers we will all be reunited again one day!
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
For Dario Again!
It would seem that the vote so to speak
is unanimous, every siangle member of
our site here has welcomed you with
open arms and very enthusiastically!
I so knew they would....welcome once
again and come let's grow in the Lord together!!!!
Thank you so much to all our members who were
so quick to post your warm welcomes for Dario!
It would seem that the vote so to speak
is unanimous, every siangle member of
our site here has welcomed you with
open arms and very enthusiastically!
I so knew they would....welcome once
again and come let's grow in the Lord together!!!!
Thank you so much to all our members who were
so quick to post your warm welcomes for Dario!
Monday, August 06, 2012
Dario's Welcome!

Please accept this short note here as my/our
official and heartfelt welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Though it is true that this sight was created
for women who are daughters of the King of
Kings, the fact remains that we are all His
children! As it says in the Word of God in Him
"there is neither male nor female..." If we are daughters of the
King, then you and all men who believe in Him are his sons
as well. This being the case, there is no question or hesitiation.
You are a welcome addition to our little online community and
As a matter of a fact, there are a couple of gentlemen
following this blog privately already. I was thrilled to welcome them
just as I am thrilled to welcome you today! I am presently working
on a blog/site that will be our "brother" site that should be up and running shortly. I will be talking more about that to you and the other members of this blog soon.
For now just know that you are loved and welcome with
open arms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It must truly be difficult raising two
little girls on your own, especially with no support system. I wouldf
like to welcome and encourage you to contact me via email if you would like to anytime my email is
I and I am sure the ladies and sisters that belong to this blog
look forward to answering any questions and offering advice you
might need especially on the raising of those two beautiful little
girls to know and love the Lord.
Welcome again and on behalf of all of us, we look forward
to getting to know and grow with you!
In His Love,
Sister Connect
Ok sisters here is the place for you to say hi, ask a question, or anything that is on your heart
let's hear from you by replying below!
let's hear from you by replying below!
Sunday, August 05, 2012
Prayer Requests
Please Pray for:
Marge-she is still very ill as her Dr. is still having
trouble diagnosing her ailment
Alex- this coming week will be having a second
round of surgery on his liver
Manny- a biopsy on the 15th for what Dr.s think is
Gloria- strength and healing as she is still recovering
from her last respiratory failure and other
Peggy- strength and healing as her Dr.s attempt to
do what is needed for her health challenges
Tamela- strength and healing, and protection of her
ministry that God has called her to
Thank you all in advance for praying!
If you have any prayer needs please let me know so they can be included here in addition to
daily corporate prayer!
God is our Dr. there is none like Him, He is our healer and our hope!
Marge-she is still very ill as her Dr. is still having
trouble diagnosing her ailment
Alex- this coming week will be having a second
round of surgery on his liver
Manny- a biopsy on the 15th for what Dr.s think is
Gloria- strength and healing as she is still recovering
from her last respiratory failure and other
Peggy- strength and healing as her Dr.s attempt to
do what is needed for her health challenges
Tamela- strength and healing, and protection of her
ministry that God has called her to
Thank you all in advance for praying!
If you have any prayer needs please let me know so they can be included here in addition to
daily corporate prayer!
God is our Dr. there is none like Him, He is our healer and our hope!
Kings Daughters Bible study/Fellowhip(Update-8/31)
**Hello beautiful ladies! Just a reminder that on Monday Sept. 3rd we will be having our next
King's Daughter's Bible study/tea. at 2:00 pm
Hope to see you all there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Kings Daughter Fellowship News" this is a place where those of you who belong to our local
chapter (; of the Bible study/fellowship can come to check on things such as scheduled KD'S
Bible studies, prayer requests, news, announcements, and so on. Please "join" our sight here
so that we can learn and grow together and share our ups and downs, praises and the like.
Just click on the "join this sight" tab and follow the prompts.
*those of you who live to far to attend in person, please know that you are just as important
to me(us) as we are all part of God's family. I encourage you as well to "join" our site and leave
prayer requests,praises, questions, comments and just what ever is on your heart and mind!
King's Daughter's Bible study/tea. at 2:00 pm
Hope to see you all there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Kings Daughter Fellowship News" this is a place where those of you who belong to our local
chapter (; of the Bible study/fellowship can come to check on things such as scheduled KD'S
Bible studies, prayer requests, news, announcements, and so on. Please "join" our sight here
so that we can learn and grow together and share our ups and downs, praises and the like.
Just click on the "join this sight" tab and follow the prompts.
*those of you who live to far to attend in person, please know that you are just as important
to me(us) as we are all part of God's family. I encourage you as well to "join" our site and leave
prayer requests,praises, questions, comments and just what ever is on your heart and mind!
Friendship Day!
Friends are a gift from God to lighten the Load!
Today is friendship day, please remember
to say or do something nice for a friend. The
best gift of all of course is to pray for our
I am so thankful to God for each one of you!!!!!!!!!! I love
you and pray for you daily(even those I don't know in person)
If you feel the same plz leave me a message in "sister-
connect" or anywhere on our blog site!
Today is friendship day, please remember
to say or do something nice for a friend. The
best gift of all of course is to pray for our
I am so thankful to God for each one of you!!!!!!!!!! I love
you and pray for you daily(even those I don't know in person)
If you feel the same plz leave me a message in "sister-
connect" or anywhere on our blog site!
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