Monday, August 06, 2012

Sister Connect

Ok sisters here is the place for you to say hi, ask a question, or anything that is on your heart
let's hear from you by replying below!


  1. Hello,
    My name is Dario, I am not a woman as you can
    see,however as embarrassed as I feel I am reaching out to you as a fellow "brother" in the
    Lord! I am single and raising my two little sisters aged 5 and 14.
    I don't have any real network of family or
    Christian friends to speak, thus today I was simply searching the internet to see if I could find someone somewhere that I could ask for help from. When I stumbled upon this blog I felt an unusual sense of excitement and joy!
    Again, I know I am not a woman so I hope you won't turn me away, I don't know where else to turn. I am a new believer and am very lost at how to raise my two little sister. Thank you, and I promise I wont bother you again if you tell me I dont belong here.

    1. Dario,
      I would never turn you away, we are all children of
      the KIng of Kings and as such we need to be there for
      one another, so welcome!

  2. Dearest Hisdaughter,
    Sorry I have been gone for a while went to visit
    my country Israel. I have shared about you and this site with many of my friends and famiuly,I would love to see this sight explode with followers and friends in the near future, will be praying for that.
    THis sight is more than you or anyone can see
    I believe. I believe you have an awesome ministry here.
    Could I please ask you a favor, could you please do a little more of your great writing and coverage on the subject of Israel and the like.
    You are loved Hisdaughter!

    1. Sarah,
      I so understand Summer is a busy and fun time!
      Nice to "see" you again though. Wow that must have been
      a wonderful trip and experience. Hope you will share with us in the near future about your trip.
      Sure of course, I will post more stories and tidbidts
      about Israel very soon. Israel,her people, and of course the
      mighty one God of Israel are very near and dear to my heart.

  3. Dario,
    Welcome! please see additional post i have
    posted just to welcome YOU!

  4. Hisdaughter:
    Can you please give us at least a little hint as to when you will be posting the final chapter of "Digging for Diamonds"? the pins and needles I have been waiting for are really starting to hurt!

    1. Sarah-
      So sorry it took me so long to reply to your post.
      I hope you did enjoy the final installment of the story
      when I did finally post it!

  5. Hisdaughter:
    wondering if you have your next great story
    ready to thrill us with?

    1. Riki-
      Thank you for asking! as a matter of a fact I do! (:
      I will be posting it in the next two or three days, I
      hope you will like it.

  6. Gloria,
    Just want to say hi to you, somehow feel as though I know you
    guess its cuz have been praying for you and you always post such
    great comments, though havent seen many of them recently, so
    wondering if your feeling ok these days?

    1. Dear Sarahisrael,
      I wasn't able to keep up with daily tasks. I am very thankful for friends who care and pray. :-) I do appreciate it so much. I hope to visit the at least once a week. Hopefully I won't miss any comments from here on out.

      I'd really love to hear more about your trip to Israel. I have never been to the Holy Land but it has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl. The thought of standing in the place where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob once walked and lived, to see the Garden Tomb where it is said the body of Jesus laid before he was inspiring and humbling that would be. Please tell us more about you trip, Sarah.


  7. Hisdaughter:
    Just want to tell you you are loved and appreciated
    greatly! I really loved the ending to Digging for Diamonds!
    Have you ever thought of expanding the story so good hate to
    see it end,lol! you know like a sequel or prequel or next '
    volume ha?

    1. Sarah,
      Thank you so much for your wonderful compliment!
      It is so wonderful to know that this site, my writing,
      or anything here makes even a small difference in someone's
      life. I am so glad you liked the ending to the story.
      In answer to your question, yes, I have given a
      sequel or something like that a lot of thought, you and
      I and all of us will know soon. I mean the next
      story is not even born in my mind yet but its parts
      are rattling around in my head. I will post soon though
      I promise.

  8. Gloria- this note is for you...where have you been! I have been
    looking for you for a month or so! dont know why but I feel like
    I know you sound like you and I have a lot in
    common. Are you an artist or a photographer or anything like that?

  9. Hi Sarahisrael,
    I have not been feeling very well. I had to cut back on my activities. I hope to have enough energy to keep in touch on this blog.

    I appreciate you praying for me. I really do need it. I have serious health problems. Now that Fall is here and the heat is less intense, I hope my health will improve with the cooler temperatures. My body doesn't tolerate hot temperatures. I love to go birdwatching and go on photography shoots with my husband. We are amateur photographers not professionals but it's an excellent hobby no matter what one's skill level is. I wish I was an artist but I don't draw or paint. Are you an artist or photographer, Sarah? It's been a long time since we have been able to do that. God willing, you will see more of me from here on out.

