Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Truth...

  It is true that "you are what you eat" but your are not! what
   you weigh! It is only a number! Instead we should focus on
the "Name" that God has given us. He loves us fully and without
condition or else perhaps He would have given us a "number"
instead of a name. Here are a few of the names God has given
you and I:
                 1. beloved
                 2. redeemed
                 3. forgiven
                 5. blessed
                 6. healed
            .....and so many more! Ok so these are not really names
but they are who and what God says we are. Let's not get
caught up on the proper mechanics of words and their particular
parts of speech and their function.
     Society and the world give us words and we accept them as
our names or labels such as:
                1. dumb
                2. ugly
                3. fat
                4. useless
     ....and so on! they are all just words right? But as we know
words have negative and or positive affects on us. Words have
creative power. So are we going to believe what the world and
the enemy of our soul says we are, or what God and His word
says we are? I choose to listen to the WORD of TRUTH.
HEALED,and so much more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Hisdaughter:
    Thank you so much for this. I am not a woman as
    everyone knows and I have never struggled with
    weight but I have struggled with my self esteem
    which i am guessing is what the main thing that
    is affected when one is struggling with weight.
    As you know I am raising my two little sisters,
    my younger one believe it or not is a piece of
    cake and the angelic face to go with it.
    My other little sister, a young teen, well
    let's just say she is a "different story" though
    she also has an angelic face. She is already
    struggling with what she believes to be weight
    problems and low self esteem. Thank you so much this is helpful to me.

    1. Dario-
      You are so welcome, I always try to cover topics
      that are important and relevant to our online family's
      life and needs, especially Spiritual needs.
      I so know what you are talking about when you
      talk about low self-esteem or any variation of it if
      you know what I mean. Thanks be to God that we can and
      should look to the Lord and His Word to build, strengthen,
      or support how we see ourselves and who we are.
      Yes you probably know that teen girls and their
      body image is a big deal. I will post more in that area
      in the near future. Until then please feel free to post any
      question or ? you might have and I/we will help you find
      resources you might need if any one of your friends/sisters
      on this sight are not able to answer for you.

  2. Ah Hisdaughter-
    this is all so true and I am sure it hits to the heart of
    most women and even a lot of guys I know. You are so right
    also in pointing out that God didnt give us a number so who
    are we to do that to ourselves. Yes we need think more about
    and embrace the names that God has given us.

    1. Sarah-
      Yes I think that is one of the things that is so big
      and wonderful of our God! He is "God", our creator and
      yet he loves us so much that He spoke and speaks great
      things about us, we are way to important to Him to give
      us a number as I said above or simply a label.

  3. wow this is so true!I don't think there is a woman
    alive, other than the lucky rail-thin women who can eat
    what they want and not gain an ounce, who doesn't know this
    to be the truth. It is sad I think that the number assigned
    to our weight = who we are.
