Sunday, August 05, 2012

Kings Daughters Bible study/Fellowhip(Update-8/31)

**Hello beautiful ladies! Just a reminder that  on  Monday  Sept. 3rd  we will be having our next
    King's Daughter's Bible study/tea. at 2:00 pm
   Hope to see  you all there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Kings Daughter Fellowship News" this is a place where those of you who belong to our local
chapter (; of the Bible study/fellowship can come to check on things such as scheduled KD'S
Bible studies, prayer requests, news, announcements, and so on. Please "join" our sight here
so that we can learn and grow together and share our ups and downs, praises and the like.
Just click on the "join this sight" tab and follow the prompts.
 *those of you who live to far to attend in person, please know that you are just as important
to me(us) as we are all part of God's family. I encourage you as well to "join" our site and leave
prayer requests,praises, questions, comments and just what ever is on your heart and mind!

1 comment:

  1. Hey ladies! we will be having our next King's
    Daughter's Bible study tomorrow Monday Aug. 20th
    time to be announced by this evening so please check back then! God bless you all and hope
    to see you there!
