Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Now hear this...(Update 8/19).

New Post update for: today 8/19(please scroll to bottom below stars)
    Starting with this post, there will be a new "place"
added to our site called...yes..."now hear this." A couple
of people have mentioned that it is a bit difficult to know
when someone has posted on our site without actually going
through each post.
   So, I will be "alerting" you to new(or pretty new) posts
just as soon as I spot them. I will post the present date at the
time of that post. Latest posts alert will be posted right below
the stars.
8/19/ 12  Posted by-                  Location-   
     1. Hisdaughter                      Kings Daughters Bible...(update)

8/18/12   Posted By-                  Location-
      1. Hisdaughter                      Announcing our next story 
      2. Hisdaughter                      Epilogue(to
      3. Hisdaughter                      Dark Diamond(story)
  **Please note: Please read the above in the order they are
      listed in order to understand the sequence of events. 

8/17/12-  Posted By-                   Location
      1. Christy Goldburg              Friends are Special
      2. Christy Goldburg              The Truth
      3. Hisdaughter                       The best legacy
      4. Hisdaughter                       Fearfully and Wonderfully made 
      5. Hisdaughter                       Announcing.....

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