Monday, August 06, 2012

Dario's Welcome!

   Please  accept this short note here as my/our
official and heartfelt welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Though it is true that this sight was created
for women who are daughters of the King of
Kings, the fact remains that we are all His
children! As it says in the Word of God  in Him
"there is neither male nor female..." If we are daughters of the
King, then you and all men who believe in Him are his sons
as well. This being the case, there is no question or hesitiation.
You are a welcome addition to our little online community and
   As a matter of a fact, there are a couple of gentlemen
following this blog privately already. I was thrilled to welcome them
just as I am thrilled to welcome you today! I am presently working
on a blog/site that will be our "brother" site that should be up and running shortly. I will be talking more about that to you and the other members of this blog soon.
    For now just know that you are loved and welcome with
open arms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It must truly be difficult raising two
little girls on your own, especially with no support system. I wouldf
like to welcome and encourage you to contact me via email if you would like to anytime my email is
 I and I am sure the ladies and sisters that belong to this blog
look forward to answering any questions and offering advice you
might need especially on the raising of those two beautiful little
girls to know and love the Lord.
   Welcome again and on behalf of all of us, we look forward
to getting to know and grow with you!

In His Love,


  1. Dear Hisdaughter,
    I want to thank you from the bottom of my
    heart for allowing me to be a part of your
    blog/site/group. This means more to me than you
    can ever know. I want to thank you also for the
    wonderful chat we had via computer. Believe it or
    not i full so much better already.
    It amazes me that you would accept me so
    readily and not shunning me because i am the
    wrong gender. I can only hope that the rest of
    the group feels the same. Thank you so much!

  2. Hello Dario!
    So glad you weren't afraid to ask if you could be a part of this Blog. Hisdaughter is right, we do welcome you into our group. All of us are seeking to know ourselves through the eyes of our Savior, Jesus. Whether male or female, we often forget that He sees us perfectly. Also, all of us have come to this Blog because we need support. A man's perspective evens our our womanly view of things. Feel free to post, son of the King of King and Lord of Lords, Jesus! I have no problem with you reading and posting here. :-)

    1. Dear Gloria:
      Thank you so much for your warm welcome you made me
      feel so wanted, so like part of something beautiful. Thank
      you so much for your vote of support. I want you to know
      that this means an awful lot to me!

      Dear Hisdaughter:
      I just want to thank you once more and also for taking
      the time to talk to me. I am really looking forward to getting to know you and everyone else that belongs to this site. Thank you a million times!

  3. Gloria:
    Thank you once again with all my heart. You have done a
    wonderful thing by voting for me to be able to stay. Bless you
    so much and always!

  4. Dearest Dario:
    YES! YES! yES! I want to add my "vote" so to speak to Hisdaughter's
    and Gloria"s ! I am even excited about you joining us. I think
    as Gloria said that a man's perspective will even out our
    womanly view of things!!!!!! there is so much you can add just
    because you are a man! I for one am willing to offer any advice
    or anything you might need help with. Welcome to our little
    community Dario!

  5. Dario:
    Ah I know that you will be a great asset to our wonderful
    online community. As a matter of a fact bet you could teach us
    a few things. Looking forward to getting to know you. Please
    accept by heartfelt welcome!

  6. Dear Dario-
    I am not sure if I put my two cents in yet or not, if
    I did then here is a reminder, If I didn't then please know
    that I too am so very happy to welcome you to our beloved family

  7. Dario:
    Welcome sweet brother you are more welcome here than
    you could possibly know!

  8. Dario
    So happy to welcome you to our wonderful online family!

  9. Dario:
    Please allow me to add my warm welcome to you! It is
    refreshing to see and know that a prince of the Lord is willing
    to mingle with his sisters in the Lord. I am sure that there is
    a lot you can and will add to our site and little family here.!!!
