Saturday, August 11, 2012

You are never alone!

Our Lord Jesus Christ promised us that He
would never leave us or forsake us! , that He
is always with us. Isn't it wonderful to know that
he also sends angels to guard and protect us?


  1. I remember hearing this Verse from the Bible
    over and over from my parents and other places.
    It wasn't until i became an adult however that
    I was finally able to understand what it really
    Thank you for posting this Hisdaughter and all
    that you do. I know that you must put a lot of
    prayer and time and effort into this site.
    I am new here, but I would love to see it over
    flowing with memebers.

    1. Dario,
      Yes I so agree with you, it is one of many verses
      in the Word that brings us great comfort. Thank you also
      friend for your kind words and compliments. I too would
      love to see this group/site grow especially since my
      main goal is to reach out to searching, or hurting, or
      lonely or whatever may be the case and help remind them
      Of GOd's great love and compassion for us.
